Monday, June 20, 2011

Day Ten: Munich Dunkel, style number 39

I drank this beer yesterday but since we were watching a movie I just decided to post in the morning, so don't think I drink first thing in the morning. I have cereal first. Now on to the beer...

Spaten Munchen Dunkel, brewed and bottled in Munich, Germany, imported by a company from NY and has no "best-by" date on it. It is a 5.2% ABV. It beer comes in a 12oz green bottle which apparently is not the best for beer. I guess the light destroys the beer somehow, which is confusing because there is a lot of beer sold in green bottles. Maybe because they look all sleek and pretty, as in some of the European imports.

It pours dark like a coke, but almost see through with a small and short-lived head. Not to much aroma in this one. This was a dark beer but tasted light and refreshing, though it did lack a good body. I expected more from it actually. This is such a specific category that I thought I would have something special, but it was just a dark lager. Very light on the hops and decent malty taste.

On a 0-3 scale: 2. (for rating info see first tasting)
Would I buy it again: No. I am still getting use to lagers and their lack of body so I will pass for now since it's not that easily available. 
Would I recommend to a friend: I didn't think anything special of it so I probably wouldn't 
What would I do different: No get so excited about it before I taste it, harder than it sounds, I get excited about beer
Why did I chose this beer: I found it on, and it was one that I could find at in this catagory.

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