Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day Sixteen: Fruit Beer, style number 15

Today was an interesting beer, Rogue First Growth Creek Ale. On the beer-advocate website they classify this as a Belgian Dubble, I classify this as a fruit beer because its brewed with cherries. The reason beer-advocate call it a Dubble is because of a Belgian yeast strain that was used along with a regular ale yeast, which is interesting that they used two different yeast. I wonder if one of the yeast strains was able to take over the other because it sure seems to be more Belgian that a regular ale flavor. Really though the flavor is just about all cherries.

This beer didn't really have a cherry aroma more like a Belgian smell. It looked dark-amber with just a touch of burgundy to it with a smallish head. The taste, like I said, was all cherries with that Belgian flavor, in combination making for a pretty sour beer. The mouth-feel of this beer was very present and balanced.

Rogue is a very interesting brewery, they are very innovative and like their name implies just do what they want without caring to much about standards or how others may be doing it. They are my favorite brewery and luckily they have a pub near by in Issaquah, WA.

These guys bought a bunch of land in Oregon and basically have a farm, growing their own hops and barley and apparently according to the home page, chickens. This beer in particular is from their Grow Your Own list of beers being brewed with their own hops and barley. I really respect what they are doing.

On a 0-3 scale: 2. (for rating info see first tasting)
Would I buy it again: Yes, but not on a regular basis, also would like to brew a fruit beer at some point
Would I recommend to a friend: it's a different beer, not really what most beers taste like, so yes
What would I do different: I was at the pub and wanted to get something to check off my list that wouldn't break the bank too much.

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