Saturday, June 11, 2011


I like to drink beer. I like to drink different kinds of beer and i am hoping to soon start brewing my own beer. To help me in these adventures, i want to learn more about the different styles of beer.
As i gather up my equipment and hope to start brewing in September, i have decided to taste my way through the periodic table of beer styles that i found online.
My name is Viktor, i am 25 years old with about 5 years of beer drinking experience. I live in the Seattle, WA area and am glad to be in such a great craft beer culture setting. My favorite breweries are Rogue and Deschutes, i like just about anything that these people brew. 
I have a lovely wife who is actually pressuring me into blogging through this tasting, and is in fact typing this as i dictate. We are expecting a baby in mid October sometime and i hope to have my first batch of beer ready to celebrate.  That means that i need to brew sometime in mid September and so i hope to be done with this beer tasting journey by October 1st as i wait for the baby and my beer to finish fermenting. 
So i have 111 days to taste through 65 beer styles. That equals to a beer every 1.707692.... days.

 This is a picture of the periodic table of beer styles that i will be using. Each time i post, i will cross out the beer that i drank, include a picture of that beer, and write a short account of my tasting.
here is a link to see this bigger or here to read all the style information.
A few problems that i envision are:

1. it may be difficult to find beers in some of the more obscure styles, so i may have to cover that by just drinking one beer out of that style category. For example; in the VI Scottish Ale column i may not be able to find all three of those beers, so i may just drink a Scottish Ale and call it good.

2. This may get kind of expensive and since money is an issue, I will save money by drinking the beers in the style, not necessarily pure to origin. Meaning, I am not going to buy 6 different Belgian beers, but i may buy one or two, and for the rest i will look for beers that are made by local craft brewers that are made in that style. I have approximately $100 in my Mississippi Mud Black and Tan Beer (the beer wasn't very good, but it's sold in a cool bottle) coin jug that i have been collecting over the past few years, which will be my capital for this adventure.  

3. I will buy a few new beer glasses in order to taste these beers in the appropriate glass type, but i wont go all out. 

4. I am not an expert beer judge by any means. I like to drink beer that i like, which may not mean that its a beer that other people like. So i will give a description of what im tasting and how i like the beer, but im sure that there will be other opinions and i hope that i will find a good beer to represent each category. But im sure there will be plenty of duds, which i will keep in mind and not dismiss that beer style just because of one bad beer. 

If you wish to be a part of this,  i will try to keep my plans for which beers i am drinking in the near future on here so you can participate. If you are somebody who i know or lives in this area and would like to drink together, please let me know. Also if you have any suggestions for which beers i should try for one or few of these categories that you really like, please let me know.
The resources i will use to help me are:

1 comment:

  1. Viktor you are a character! I can imagine waking up shortly and telling Yuriy this funny dream where Viktor starting a blog called "Viktor's Beer Tasting". Too bad your wife is pregnant so she can't join you on your adventure. Have fun!

    * Julia
